Euler Education

Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of Euler Education’s tutoring services. We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, so please review them frequently.


“The Client” – Refers to the individual sponsoring (paying for) the tutoring lessons, which in most cases is their parent or guardian unless otherwise stated.

“The Student” – Refers to the individual who will receive tutoring lessons from their Euler Education allocated tutor

“The Tutor” – Refers to the individual conducting the tutoring lessons whose sole purpose is to help the student.

1. Lesson Scheduling & Rescheduling (one-on-one tutoring)

1.1 Lesson times that are agreed between the tutor and student must be adhered to at all times unless in the case of an emergency or valid commitment that has to be attended to at short notice by the student. The student must provide a valid reason as to why they cannot attend the lessons at the agreed-upon time accompanied by digital evidence such as a picture, message, screenshot, or any media format showcasing examples such as unforeseen school delays, family issues, health issues, etc. The validity of these reasons will be assessed by the tutor, and the Lead Education Manager if necessary. Should the reason be deemed as invalid, the lesson will be canceled and the client will not be refunded.

1.2 Should the student wish to reschedule, they must notify the tutor no later than the day before the date of their scheduled lesson so that the tutor can prepare for other sessions and reschedule accordingly.

1.3 Should the student request to reschedule the lesson without a valid reason on the date of the agreed lesson regardless of the time of day, the lesson will be canceled and not refunded to the client. It is the job of the student to always communicate a day in advance if they know that their schedule will change so that the tutor can reallocate time if need be. Our tutors are extremely busy and are highly sought after by other students, so it is a disservice to them to reschedule at short notice.

2. Late Arrivals

2.1 ​The tutor is not obligated and will not extend the end time of the lesson or workshop if a student arrives late to a session. It is the job of the student to always ensure that they are on time for lessons.

3. Student No-shows (one-on-one tutoring)

3.1 Should the student not show up to a scheduled lesson without notifying the tutor that they will not attend, the lesson will be deemed as canceled and the client will not be refunded. It is the job of the student to ensure they notify the tutor for whatever reason, that they want to reschedule a lesson so that the tutor has sufficient time to plan and allocate time for the student. If the student was in a severe or emergency situation and could not contact the tutor, a negotiation can be made but the student must provide sufficient evidence as per clause 1.1, to prove that they could not contact the tutor. The tutor will decide if the evidence is valid, and grant the privilege to reschedule for a later date should the evidence be deemed valid.

4. Payment Policy

4.1 All lesson packages/monthly packages are prepaid – thus it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that they pay first before the package lessons can commence.

4.2 The tutor is not obligated and will not start lessons if the client has not yet paid.

5. Refunds Policy (one-on-one tutoring)

5.1 Unused lessons up to an amount of 10 hours will be refunded if a refund is requested by the client within 40 days of the client being billed for lessons. 

5.2 If a student does not show up to a lesson without notifying the tutor that they will no longer need the lesson within 1 day before the lesson’s scheduled time, the client will not be refunded for that particular lesson.

5.3 All refunds will be transferred via bank transfer, which should take 3-5 business days for the funds to reflect in the clients bank account.

6. Refunds Policy (NBT workshops)

6.1 A client may postpone their attendance to their workshop anytime before their first scheduled workshop occurs, but they can can only cancel as per clause 6.2 and 6.3

6.2 If a client does not show up to a NBT the workshop of the NBT workshop week without notifying the NBT Team on WhatsApp that they will no longer need the workshop within 24 hours before the first workshop’s scheduled time, the client will not be refunded for the workshop.

6.3 The client will only be refunded for the workshop if they request cancellation more than 24 hours before the first workshop they have booked for commences.

6.4 All refunds will be transferred via bank transfer, which should take 3-5 business days for the funds to reflect in the clients bank account.

7. Client & Tutor Conduct

7.1 It is the job of the student and tutor to maintain a professional relationship throughout the course of the contracted sessions. ​

7.2 Under no circumstance may the tutor or student use any profanity.

7.3 The student must maintain a good behaviour and display proper etiquette to the tutor to maintain a respectful and good relationship between both parties.

8. Termination of Service (one-on-one tutoring)

8.1 The client may, under severe circumstances terminate the packages should they not be pleased with the tutoring service. They will be refunded according to the policy stipulated in clause 5.1.

8.2 The tutor reserves the right to terminate the lesson plan with immediate effect only if the client and/or student displays non-cooperative behaviour despite the tutor trying at least three times to get the student and/or client to co-operate.

8.3 The tutor reserves the right to terminate the package provided that they have provided the client with a valid reason (either work, health, school or family related) no less than 4 weeks in advance of the package termination.


By using our website and tutoring services, you consent to the terms outlined in the terms and conditions outlined above. We may update these terms periodically, and any changes will be reflected on this page. For inquiries or concerns regarding our terms and conditions, please contact us at

Last Updated: 18 August 2024

Euler Education reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time. Please review this page regularly for any changes.